“Today is an historic day. No issue affects more Americans. In fact, there is not a single American who doesn’t have a stake in the success of our work. No issue is more of a moral imperative. In the richest country in the world, you shouldn’t have to be well-off to get well,” said Dodd. “With this bill, the Affordable Health Care Choices Act, we will protect people’s choice of doctors, hospitals, and insurance plans; reduce costs for families and businesses; and assure affordable, high-quality healthcare for every American.”
If there’s no other message out of today’s hearing it is this: we will act to cut the skyrocketing costs of our health care system. And we will at long last make quality, affordable health insurance available to every man, woman and child in America.
Our goal is to protect people’s choice of doctors, hospitals, and insurance plans; reduce costs for families, businesses, and government; and assure affordable, high-quality healthcare for every American. Our goal is also to strengthen what works and fix what doesn’t.
If you like the insurance you have today, you can keep it. If you don’t like what you have today, we’ll give you better choices, including a public option for health care. No longer will a pre-existing condition such as a heart attack, cancer, or even being the victim of domestic violence prevent you from obtaining insurance. No longer will cost be a barrier to coverage. Our approach will offer affordable options for Americans struggling under the skyrocketing cost of health care.
We have proposed a bill that would accomplish this great purpose.”
Quote from Senator Dodd’s web site, “Dodd Leads HELP Committee Mark-Up of Health Care Reform Bill” (19 June 2009).
Christopher Dodd (1944-) is an American lawyer and Democratic politician currently serving as the senior U.S. Senator from Connecticut. Senator Dodd and his wife sit on the board of many health care companies.
Hyuk hyuk hyuk, what the Senator says is just so funny! Without question, Senator Dodd is one of the best clowns in the circus we call the Senate. To say the government can actually provide people with something in a way that will cut costs! Great joke! And to say it will do it without adversely affecting people who already have what the government wants to provide to others free! And it’s going to expand coverage to the most health care costly segments of the population! And it’s going to do all this while reducing costs for families and businesses! What side-splitters!
Next he's going to say that members of Congress will be covered by and subject to the same requirements with regard to health care insurance they impose on other Americans! Ha! That’ll be the day! And that the government won’t be imprisoning folks who won’t join the proposed government-run health care insurance cartel! And the cartel isn’t going to restrict choice in any way! All this, while it reduces the long-term budget deficit! Oh, what a riot this guy is! I’m rolling on the floor with laughter!
I used to avoid listening to Senator Dodd. Now I realize like many other members of Congress, he is really a comedian out to entertain us with his whoppers about the legislation he supports. Sometimes I think the President also enjoys telling amusing stories that can’t possibly be true. Great fun!
But somehow I still have this nagging feeling that the jokes they tell are not for us, but on us.
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